
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday Thoughts: How Bad Is Getting a Great Clips Haircut?

HI ya Gorgeous,
It's Thursday, and I was going to post about a new beauty product I received and then some upcoming events, though this, couldn't wait and I think it could benefit from being addressed.

What to do about a bad haircut? How do you  rectify it with the stylist at the salon? Who hasn't had a bad haircut? I received the worst haircut of my life last May for my birthday. I live in the Tri- State area of Arizona and I went to a salon in Bullhead City called Studio 11 - whoa - that girl butched myI hair so bad with crooked bangs and layers I didn't ask for.

Today I write about my experience with the Great Clips in the Mohave Crossing shopping center of Bullhead City, or technically, Mohave Valley.  I have been taking my son there for several months.  At 3 weeks on the dot he needs a hair cut to keep his hair at a regulation length for his squadron. Our normal gal was not there and a new gal called him to the chair for a cut. I showed her the photo I keep on my phone of the best barber cut in the world from 12th St Barber in Parker.  Why don't I take him there? Because it's 2 hours and 20 minutes away - we only go there when we are visiting in that town. 

The thing about Great Clips is that it's a fast and inexpensive place to get a hair cut and many a beauty school student gets their start there.  On this occasion an older woman who would not give her name, cut my son's hair - and when she did, she cut 3 large blocky chunks into the side and back of his head with a hole towards the occipital bone.

The physical hair cut is grotesque and his head has been shaved close to cut out the large gaps, though that isn't the worst part. 

It's the service. 

Am I wrong as a customer to want my son's haircut to be even and not have a hole cut into the back of his hair? It looked like the back of Neo's head in the Matrix -like - "insert plug here". Because he is a kid, does that make him less of a customer? Or his money less valuable?

The hairstylist clapped back in anger that "she is a big time stylist from the big city and isn't used to doing small podunk town hair". Oh.

So that's it.

People in small towns deserve bad hair cuts and worse service?

Another stylist tried to fix it before surmising the only fix was a shaving...and even then the big time stylist from the big city continued to cuss me for calling out her sloppy unskilled small town hatin' hair cut.

Stylists, how would you have handled the situation?Please let me know in the comments.

Personally ...I am this "-" close to buying a Flowbee and cutting it myself!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wine Wednesday - Whoops Edition

Hi ya Gorgeous!

It's a favorite day of the week - Wine Wednesday~!
What's in your cup? Oh my cup. It's dizzy. I have been struggling with and living with extreme dizziness since February 3rd. It's so bizarre.

So my love for all things wine have greatly been curtailed - to just a wee cup. Gone are the glorious full goblets of delicious wine. Who ever heard of getting dizzy for dizzy sake anyways?

The dizzy got me a wine I hadn't quite planned on and you can see more of that in this video.


I'll tell you what being dizzy all the time will do for you - it will make you distracted!

Enjoy the video and please let me know what wine you are drinking and enjoying! I need to live vicariously!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

REsolve Tuesday - Bloom!

Hi ya Gorgeous
Cheers to an amazing day ahead of you! Like Winnie the Pooh says - "today is a good day to have a
great day"!

I agree Pooh!  Today's REsolve Tuesday is an encouragement to you - that you bloom where you are planted! That right now is the best time to get started on your dreams and goals. There is no need to wait until all of the traffic lights are green before you leave the house to drive toward destiny!

Instead of waiting for everything to be right and in place - why not focus on growing where you are at and maybe growing to where you need to be next!

You can do it!

Thanks for visiting and if you haven't subscribed yet, would you please? Thanks!


TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday Meets March Finds

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Thanks so much for being here today! Wow do I ever love a Monday.
I get so much done! I love the fresh start of it all! Everyday you get a chance to do your best though in the United States, the work week starts on a Monday and I feel like it's a good time to make a great day!

It's also a good day to do your hair with the detach brush to add some volume to the crown of your hair.  Boy this brush is one of the best beauty inventions ever!

Today's video let's you meet a new product I tried, the Flower Beauty Lash Warrior mascara.  Then I introduce you to Cosbar in Scottsdale and share a little bit about what's going on.

Enjoy the video and if you haven't subscribed yet, please do!



TWITTER @Cherelynn

Affiliate link for Amazon to buy this mascara:

It really is a product for those who like bare lashes...just sayin'!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, March 22, 2019

TGIF - What Will You Watch This Weekend?

Hi ya Gorgeous
Hello to a Friday post! Oh the weekend! Such sweet relief from the mega school commute.  Is it summer vacation yet?

I write today to ask you what will you and the fam be watching this weekend? So I have an invitation for you as well as a movie review for you today in this post.

First, if you are in the Tri-State area of Kingman/Bullhead City/ Needles/ Laughlin - come join me on March 28th for a sneak peek screening of Unplanned.  Oh this is going to tug some heart strings! It's a true story based on the life of Abby Johnson. She was once the rising star of Planned Parenthood until she saw what happens behind the curtain! It is a must see!

Unplanned film goes nationwide on March 29th - BUT - there are hundreds of sneak peek screenings happening nationwide, like mine, in Laughlin Nevada at the Riverside Resort and Casino Cinemas at 7 pm on  Thursday March 28th.  Come early at 6:30 pm for prayer in the theater before the screening starts.

To find a sneak peek screening near you - or, even to schedule a theater buyout and screen for your group, friends and family, find what you need here on the Unplanned film website.

Visit here for more info:

So that's what you are watching next week but what are you watching this week? Well, I have a review of the Christopher Robin movies. Yes, plural, movies as in more than one.

There is the new Disney version, Christopher Robin starring Ewan McGregor and then there is the more biographical film, Goodbye Christopher Robin film starring Margot Robbie, Domnhall Gleeson and Kelly Macdonald by Gasworks Media.

As a child, I loved Winnie the Pooh, and Tigger too! All the friends of the 100 acres woods were "friends" of mine and I loved the books and stories and shows. Oh such beautiful memories. If you too have children, it's possible that they have seen, heard or read Winnie the Pooh. So that's where the mix up comes in. Both of these films ar every adult in tone and nature. Sad. Depressing.  Nothing that you would show a child and think that they would find joy and delight in, like Winnie the Pooh himself.

Goodbye Christopher Robin deals with the life of the child growing up during the war and his father writing the stories and them becoming famous. As the film tells it, Winnie the Pooh's success made life very difficult for young Christopher Robin.

I did like the film, but it's not something that I would want my child to watch.

I did not know enough about the Disney version of Christopher Robin and when my son saw the avatar on Netflix, he of course wanted to watch. I said yes, expecting a fun silly kid movie about live action Pooh bear, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo, Eeyore and Tigger.

No. No not at all. It's a sad tale of a man overworking, ignoring the family and being absent in his life. 90 % of the film is sad and a harsh tale of life and then 10% in the very end is the rallying of adult Christopher Robin to his young daughter and wife with the help of the 100 acres wood gang of friends.

Just not family material.  Which brings me to close - next week's screening of Unplanned, is, family material. It's a chance to heal for those affected by abortion and find hope.  The film has an R rated, so please, bring your youth groups, young people and sit through the film and be available for discussion afterwards. You'll be glad you were the one to teach them about life instead of the world shaping their opinions for them!

See you at the movies!

These are few of my family's favorites!

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Wizard of Oz

Free Solo

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Feeding Fitness Goals - AIP Style

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Thank you for checkin' in today! It's a wild and rare Thursday post - but - I was in the kitchen and figured you could use the "learnin'" too! Who else is working on fitness or health goals? I know I am! Quick reminder, if you have gotten away from your new year resolution goals - take a moment, be kind to yourself and just start again. It's okay!

I'm working my way into the AIP - auto-immune protocol for healing my thyroid.

Darn Hashimotos! For me, that mean including avocado in my diet - and I don't like avocado - not then, not now, but I have found a way to include in my weekly meal plan.

Enjoy this recipe! Post in the comments what your go to smoothie nutrition dense recipe is!



TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Where to Get Results in Roofing Contractors in Michigan - Tittle Brothers

When it's time for a spring spruce up for your home in Michigan, it's time to call Tittle Brothers. They specialize in more than roofing and not just residential homes. If you have commercial buildings that need to have a fresh appearance for a busy summer sales season, call Tittle Brothers for a quote and detailed plan of the work that can be done to improve your business location.

They all can meet all of your windows, siding and masonry needs for your home and business. One of the best ways to get a good contractor and someone you can trust is to ask for a referral.  Ask your coworkers, neighbor and friends who they have used for their home improvement needs. Then do a quick walk around the work that you received a referral for and see if it meets what you are looking for.

When in the Oakland county area of Michigan and asking for a roofing referral, don't be surprised when you hear the name, Tittle Brothers!   It's spring time and now is a great time to get your project on the calendar for a written estimate, inspection and scheduled for the project start date!

 You can learn more about them on the web:

Or call them direct for a free detailed written estimate of your upcoming home improvement project - Call (734) 225-2525

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wine Wednesday with a Twist

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

 Happy Wednesday! Oh this middle of the week feels like a Monday! How about you?
So this Wine Wednesday actually has a twist to it - watch and enjoy the video!

Today also happens to be the first day of spring and my Arizona day is actually a lovely grey and cloudy day! Just what I like! Why? Because July and it's month long over 110 degree days with a night time low of 100 degrees is coming! That's why!

I mention in the video Just Judy - my Sundance Film Festival travling buddy who is competing in the Miss California pageant - details here:


All supplies are in the video but for those who may not watch to the end, you will need:
Orange juice
Maker's Mark

Stir and enjoy!

Let me know in the comments what your favorite cocktail and upcoming action film are!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Oakes Roofing - Where Macomb County Michigan Goes For Roofing Services

When would now be a good time to get started on your spring cleaning - for the roof of your home or commercial building?

Michigan weather has been intense over the winter months and now is a good time to schedule your annual roof inspection.

When working with Oakes Roofing in Macomb County Michigan, you get a free written estimate for any repairs or maintenance that may be needed.

If there is weather damage or anything that requires the use of insurance - no sweat, there are team members at Oakes Roofing who specialize in the insurance paperwork process.
You can be as hands on in the process of picking the roof style and design - or you can leave it up to the creative team on staff with Oakes Roofing.

Don't delay - get started today with a phone call to schedule a roof inspection! Why wait til you are in an emergency and your family or business gets displaced.  An inspection of your roof can be available for your use at your convenience.

Remember to ask about financing! Plans are available to help you with your necessary repairs or upgrade your home curb appeal.

Call (586) 930-4033

Or visit them on the web at:

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

REsolve Tuesday - Let's Check In On Your Goals - and how to amplify

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Thank you so much for tuning in today!
I appreciate you for being here.

Today as we wrap up the near bottom of the first quarter of the year I think we need to take a good look at how you are serving others. Not yourself. Not your own personal goals. But others. How are you serving in your community? Maybe that is the beauty community but really, maybe it's about being beautiful and hands and feet and serving in your physical community with a visit to your local veterans shelter, orphanage, and animal shelter.

There is so much work relief satisfaction and soul healing in serving others. That's when and how you really get a great perspective on you, yourself, and what you are up against, what you have accomplished and what you need to do next.

So for today, let's start with, how are you serving! Let me know in the comments what is going on for you!

Today - it's all about you serving others.
Enjoy the video.

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Motivation : Get Ready With Me and Hard Candy Cosmetics

Hi ya Gorgeous, Happy Monday! Get ready, to get ready with me! I made this early early this morning - and then had appointments - and then bada boom bada bing Baba Yaga and sing! The day is half over! But the video is ready!

This is an introduction of the samples I just received from Hard Candy. thank you! This features the eye shadow palette, lipgloss and some foxy boxes from last season that I love and still use. The Glitterazi creme eye shadow duo - is - for another time and video! Again, thank you for watching and please subscribe and comment!


Ding the bell too so you don't miss a moment!


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Happy St Patrick's Day

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Oh - it's a good day to be alive! The weather is amazing, life is good and today is St Patrick's Day.

 There is so much more to the history of who the patron saint of Ireland is - St Patrick.
He has a rich history of victory and triumph yet it seems to get washed over in green beer as celebrating takes on a new tone in these current days.

Below, I have some history for you to read and enjoy. Some say it's myth, legend or folklore - I say, read and enjoy, take what bits you want to make yours!

St. Patrick's Life

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was a Christian missionary given credited with converting Ireland to Christianity in the AD 400s. So many legends surround his life that the truth is not easily found.

St Patrick was not actually Irish. His exact birthplace and date is not known. However it is believed he was born around 375AD in Scotland. His parents were Calpurnius and Conchessa, were Romans living in Britain in charge of the colonies.

His real name is believed to be Maewyn Succat and he took on the name Patrick upon becoming a priest.

As a teen he was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland to herd and tend sheep on Slemish mountain, Co Antrim.

During his six-year captivity, he became fluent in the Irish language, he turned to God in prayer. He escaped after having a dream sent from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to the coast where he would find a ship waiting to sail to Britain.

He is believed to have met up with his parents in Wales before travelling to France where he became a priest and later a bishop.

Patrick was sent another dream in which the people of Ireland were calling out to him to come and walk among them once more.

He was set the task of teaching Christianity to the Irish. He travelled throughout Ireland, preaching the Gospel and converting many. He and his disciples preached and converted thousands and began building churches all over the country.

Patrick preached and converted all over Ireland for 40 years. The date cited for when Ireland was converted to Christianity is 432.

There is much debate over when and where he died. It is believed he died on 17 March, 460 at Saul, Downpatrick. That is why Saint Patrick's day is celebrated on March 17th. Some people suggest he was also born on 17 March.

The clans of Ireland began to bicker over who should receive the honour of having his final resting-place on their land. To avoid this sacrilegious end to his life his friends secreted away his body to bury in a secret grave. Many believe this to be in Downpatrick, County Down, where there is a permanent memorial.

All of this information was obtained at and there is so much more on the website - please visit there:  

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Pray for Christchurch New Zealand

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Well, this wasn't the planned topic today and I just logged in to change the posts. Why? Because there was a tremendous loss of life today in Christchurch New Zealand.

 A gunman opened fire in 2 mosques in Christchurch and killed 49 people. It's a cowardly attack and has sent a ripple of fear worldwide.

Please, in your day today, pray for peace. Pray for those in the community of Christchurch New Zealand.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wine Wednesday featuring Curious Beasts

Hi ya Gorgeous!

This lil video is a grip it and rip it style in a freezing rainy day in the desert!
I hope you enjoy and please let me know in the comments what your favorite $10 wine is - and where you get it!


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

REsolve Tuesday - Adapt and Overcome

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
How are you? Happy Tuesday to you and most importantly, happy Resolve Tuesday to you!
This video is a bit of a journey that you can join in on with us as we walk along and enjoy the beauty of being out in nature!

I'm so enjoying doing a "resolve" to stick to your and mine, commitments and new years resolutions. By now, most people have quit - but not us!

The important thing, is that you keep moving forward ...even if slowly...don't quit...just keep moving forward! Woo hoo! You can do it!

Please let me know in the comments how your resolving and resolutions are going! If you haven't subscribed yet, please do!

TWITTER @Cherelynn
INSTAGRAM @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday Motivation with GlamStyleBeauty

Hi ya Gorgeous!
I was recently in Las Vegas for an audition and happened to have some time with the amazingly talented and gifted business woman, Lisa G Styles of GlamStyleBeauty!

She is one part savvy business gal and the other part lover of all things glam beauty with a quick eye for the next trend before it hits!

Enjoy this sit down conversation about what's going on in the beauty community now and the forecast for all things glam this spring!

Please check out her channel here:


And. .. like comment and subscribe if you haven't yet! Thank you!

TWITTER @Cherelynn
INSTAGRAM  @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Happy International Women's Day!

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Now more than ever, it's a beautiful time to celebrate parity in the workplace and the many ways that women contribute to the world.

"I am grateful to be a woman. I must have done something great in another life." - Maya Angelou

"Well-behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulright

Ellen DeGeneres
"I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon."

I agree to that!

Please take a moment today and text, call, message,connect with the mighty women in your circle AND THEN reach outside of your normal circle of influence and encourage a lady today!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ash Wednesday Lent Wine Review

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Woot Woot!
Well, I'm nearly all better - nearly - and it's time to celebrate and have a glass of wine! Shabbat needs a glass of wine in my world! Speaking of celebrations - the Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras season has led us into the season of Lent.

No matter where you are in your walk of faith - or not - it's a great time to reflect on where you are, who you are and where you are going and who you are becoming! Consider these items in the photo below:

So I picked up this bottle - can you guess from where - on my trip to the Oscars in the Los Angeles area. I am not in the studio, I'm actually walking in the back yard and enjoying the beautiful desert!

Join me and enjoy this review. Let me know in the comments what you are sipping on!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

REsolve Tuesday - The Outdoor Edition

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Oh, it feels so good to be almost fully healed! I'm up and walking without assistance and able to get on a desert hike with my sweet peiby!

So today's REsolve Tuesday is about resolving to recommit - watch this video and enjoy!

What is there that you have been meaning to keep current with that has fallen by the wayside?
Resolve today to recommit!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday - March - and life goes on!

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
It's a Monday. It's also March. It's a sad day with lots of loss in entertainment. Both music and acting lost amazing talents today!

In the late 1990's, the band, The Prodigy had a series of hits, with one of the biggest being "Firestarter" sung by Keith Flint. He was found dead at his home in England.

He had worked in music and motorsports and also ran a local English pub called The Leather Bottle. He leaves behind a pioneering music legacy for how the band shaped the sound of the late 90's.

So Monday, if that wasn't enough, Luke Perry, the actor from 90210 who played Dylan McKay was such a staple in my tv life as a young gal! He was a great brooding teenage heart throb. He died of a massive heart attack.

So I ask you - what is the legacy you are creating now and preparing to leave for your loved ones and the community you live in?  These talents in music and television have left a legacy of sound and sight.

Now is a good time for you to reflect and plan for what you can do NOW to improve your life and achieve your dreams!

Go for it! Get some! You can do it!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!