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Stop damaging your hair! If you heat style often you must use a product that protects your hair. Try these gels, sprays and creams that our readers say keep their hair healthy. See products |
Hi! This is new for the blog: I've got this interview and you may enjoy it. Now I did not do this one on my own, but a friend sent it. Since the info is valuable, I am re-posting it. Enjoy!
I too, need to follow the recommendations!
According to Declan Condron, co-founder of PumpOne, the world’s most advanced iPhone fitness program, “variety in your workout is key, if you have a goal you are trying to reach, keeping your fitness program interesting and varied can help keep motivation up.” Declan is the fitness expert behind PumpOne’s newest iPhone app, FitnessBuilder, which offers over 400 different workouts tailored to every fitness goal imaginable – including getting that perfect bikini-body.
In celebration of the beginning of spring, PumpOne would like to offer one lucky reader a free bikini workout available for download through the iTunes App store. Your winning reader will be given a special code to download PumpOne’s “Bikini Bod Workout.” Declan addresses some of the most common fitness questions here:
What is the most effective way to slim down for summertime?
I recommend an all-round conditioning program that includes strength training, cardio and flexibility training. Depending on the time available, an ideal plan would have three days of strength training, two-three days of cardio, and stretching as often as possible.
How much time do you have to commit to see a difference in your body?
Ideally, you should try to do something everyday. This does not necessarily mean you have to be at the gym at the crack of dawn and workout for hours. By making some smart decisions you can add in exercise in short bouts through the day. For example, let’s say a person goes to the gym three days a week which is typical, and on the other days they do 10 minutes of yoga in the morning before going to work, 10 more minutes of walking the stairs during lunch and 10 more minutes of crunches or something similar when they are watching TV at night. This is an additional 30 minutes of exercise per day that doesn't really interfere with their daily work routines. By adding these short bursts they can really jump start changes in their body composition.
If you only focus on the areas that are going to show in a bathing suit (abs, thighs) will that improve those areas?
Not really, as there is no such thing as "Spot Reduction". Spot reduction refers to the idea that if you do a ton of exercises for a body parts, such as your triceps, you will achieve beautifully sculpted arms with no "wing" fat. This is unfortunately not the case. The best way to lose weight and gain muscle tone is to perform a total body conditioning program, and eat a healthy diet.
What role does diet play in losing 1-2 clothing sizes?
A huge role! You can exercise till the cows come home but if you are eating poorly and unhealthy foods, then all that hard work in the gym is going to be lost. Food is the fuel that the body uses. Give it poor fuel and it will perform poorly. A quick note: When I refer to "diet" I am referring to a healthy daily diet not to caloric restriction for the purpose of weight loss.
What role does drinking alcohol play in losing muscle and adding fat? (i.e., young women on spring break, vacation like to indulge)
Alcohol can play a very detrimental role in losing muscle and gaining weight. First, alcohol is what I would consider empty calories, there is no nutrition value. A 12oz. regular beer contains approx 150 calories and a 4oz. glass of wine contains approx 80-100 calories. Multiply that by however many drinks you typically have a night, and you have a lot of bad calories being consumed. Secondly, alcohol can often by used as fuel when exercising which stops the body from using the preferred fuel – fat. Thirdly, alcohol can have a negative effect on the hormonal changes that occur after exercise restricting the anabolic effects and disrupting muscle growth. It also can increase fluid retention, which leads to bloating.
How quickly can you become “out of shape”? Is it possible to work hard all winter and then in one week go back to your starting point after indulging too much?
You will not become "out of shape" after short periods of inactivity, in fact, taking a week off here and there can actually increase the positive effects of working out hard. The body needs time to recovery from exercises so a little vacation from working out is good. That being said, you can't take too long off or you will start to see a steady decline. It doesn't happen overnight but it will creep up on someone if they are not doing anything for a few weeks. You can also take time away from working out hard and still be active by doing some other form of activity.
About Declan Condron, MS, CSCS, USAW
Declan Condron is PumpOne's exercise physiologist and has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years. He has worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach, Physical Education Instructor and Personal Trainer. As an elite personal trainer at an exclusive New York City gym, Declan has held the positions of Personal Training Manager, Fitness Manager and Personal Trainer.
As co-founder and fitness expert for PumpOne, the only portable personal training program for color image-ready handheld devices like the iPod, Treo and others, Declan designed all the digital trainer workouts for consumers for varying fitness levels and goals. Declan holds a M.S. and B.S. degree in Exercise Physiology from Southern Connecticut State University and Hofstra University respectively. He completed his internship for his B.S. degree in Cardiac Rehabilitation at a Long Island Hospital . He completed his internship for his M.S. degree in Sports Strength and Conditioning at Yale University . During these times, Declan has worked with everyone from post rehabilitation cardiac patients to professional athletes. Declan is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), as well as a Certified Olympic Weightlifting Coach through the United States Weightlifting Association (USAW).
About PumpOne
PumpOne creates portable personal fitness trainers that go where you go. With the world's largest made-for-mobile exercise image and video library, PumpOne's workouts cover every training method and work on any portable mp3 player or Smartphone. Employing state-of-the-art technology with the simplicity of drag & drop or just a touch of a screen, PumpOne's branded and private-labeled products help users lose weight, gain strength, build endurance, become more flexible and help improve heart health. For more information, please visit
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