I bring this up today because when it comes to vitamin C and your skin, the cosmetic products that you use and the benefits you get can vary widely.
For instance: did you know that the last U.S.A. vitamin C plant closed in 2006?
I quote the Seattle Times, June 3, 2007 article: "China Corners the Vitamin Market" 'In less than a decade, China has captured 90 percent of the U.S. market for vitamin C, driving almost everyone else out of business. Chinese pharmaceutical companies also have taken over much of the world market...According to an industry group, China makes 70 percent of the worlds penicillin, 50 percent of its aspirin and 35 percent of its acetaminophen (often sold under the brand name Tylenol", as well as the bulk of vitamins A, B12,C and E.' The Wall Street Journal has dubbed the situation "OPEC of Vitamin C".
So here's my suggestion for your cosmetic vitamin C needs: shop locally and look for labels that say "Made in the USA". For resource on Arizona local and independent stores, visit: http://www.localfirstaz.com/
Next, use the database included in the www.earth911.org website for more resources and information.
Also, I trust these brands: Arbonne International, Zia Natural Skincare, and Ecco Bella. They are Earth friendly, plus responsible when it comes to recycling, reusing and reducing.
If you would like some "do it yourself" beauty, try this simple at home facial mask:Mix 2 egg whites with four tablespoons of fresh orange juice. Apply to the face and let sit for 15 minutes until dry. Rinse well with warm water.
The results are tightened pores and brighter skin.
Where to get oranges locally?
If you are in the Phoenix Valley, visit The Orange Patch off of the Loop 202 and Val Vista. They are worth the trip!
Now you can eat your vitamin C and wear it too!
For more information on healthy vibrant skin and how to color it up with Fall trend, please visithttp://www.makeupuniversity.com
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