Fight off UV damage with these top 19 sunscreens |
Dealing with red, painful sunburns -- not to mention impending sunspots and wrinkles -- is no way to spend the summer. But there's no need to spend precious downtime researching the perfect sunscreen at the drugstore aisle; reviewers have done the work for you. Check them out before you head outdoors. |
Thanks for all your amazing comments about Dysport! Now, in that article I wrote that my anti-aging routine consists of wearing sunscreen. Here's a beauty bubble with more to that idea.
Remember when you call Dr. Michaels for a Dysport appointment, tell 'em Makeup University sent you to get your 20% off discount! Which means there is more money left over for other services! Enjoy!
p.s. Remember to email over your "Back To School" trend ideas and stories!
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