The Gas Buy Boycott on May 15th 2007
When I was a young girl, I remember the 1970's gas shortage, the speed limit being reduced to 55 to conserve fuel usage, the lines, the fights, and the mayhem.
If you don't remember, log on and research it!
I bring this up because of all the emails that are going around the web about May 15th being a "no buy" day for gas to send a message to the oil industry about the high price of gas.
How does this relate to makeup you say?
Well, there are a handful of cosmetic companies that DO NOT use petrochemical bases and additives in their products ( petrochemicals in cosmetics are sister to the petro you put in your Toyota).
My point is the $4 dollar mark for gas is coming and your lipstick is about to increase in price as well, just like your body wash, lotion, foundation and hair products.
Before we get into a debate about the GNP, economy, state of the DOW and more, let me just end with this,
go organic, bike more, wear botancial skin care and cosmetics and finally,
support the gas buy boycott on May 15th.
Need more makeup ideas? Come on over to http://www.makeupuniversity.com
EyeQ & crepey lids that crease
EyeQcreme shadowI understand you don't prefer creme eyeshadows because they crease?
Actually, for the mature ladies who want to wear shadow, the creme eyeshadow is a great choice.
When you have a crepey lid ( may also be called a lid with excess skin) and apply powder shadow, it's key to stretch the skin out and color all the folds of skin to get a seamless look.
I suggest that instead of pulling on the skin more, let it relax on the eyeball, use your clean ring finger and dip it into the pot of creme eyeshadow and gently rub it in small circles all over the lid.
Now, when it moves a bit, use the same finger and pat the product back where you want it.
If you want to use two shades, one highlighter on the brow bone and one on the lid, great!
Cremes are good at any age, but they really benefit our seniors...especially the ones who golf all day!
You can see more of the FYI line at
Summer Vacation cosmetic pack list
If you've heard the rumor, it's true. When I travel I pack three things I would never share: my own mascara, toothbrush and underwear.
I figure the rest can be bought on the fly as I go. (* this comes from years of working in film production and having to sacrifice my stuff for hauling work stuff)
For those of you who like to pack, always overpack, and want to know what is the bare minimum you should take for any situation, here's my pared down list:
1.Mascara ( on lashes, and smudged into lashline for liner)
2.Berry/red toned lipstick ( can be doubled as a rouge) and works for formal evenings, thinned with gloss works in daytime
3. Bronzer (slant tip wet brush can be used as a liner, or eyeshadow)
4. Sheer jewel toned gloss
5. My mini-tote of skin care or a sample strip of the product line RE9.
That's a small bag of makeup to go from day to night, and from casual to black tie.
For more info, visit http://www.makeupuniversity.com
Here on Arizona's West Coast, we are about to hit the 100 degree mark...meaning I'm heading for the beach. I'll be staying in touch through the newsletter and look forward to hearing from you soon!
Love ya and make it a great day!