This week, there super duper sale items is Almay Bare it All elgs, which is $2.99, if you shop during happy hour from 4-6 on Tuesdays, you get an additional 20% off of that...if you have your discount card from a Makeup University get an additional 10% off of the price!!
The colors available are Golden veil, Warm veil and Tan veil.
If you need a Revlon Outlet discount card, come see me this Saturday September 8th starting at 4 pm at the Arizona Music Clubs Tempe party. It's free to attend, there's lots of giveaways planned and in general, it's going to be alot of fun.
I'll have discount cards to hand out along with the September sale sheet.
See you there...if you need more info please email me or contact the Arizona Music Club.
Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com