New Products Alert: Anti-Aging Goods
Short of building your own time machine, these anti-aging technologies are the newest innovations in fighting those stubborn lines
When meeting a certain age (which shall remain numberless), time becomes the enemy. But, that doesn't mean you can't fight back. To help you in your war, we're here to share the latest anti-aging innovations. See products |
Hello gorgeous!
Look closely into the powder filled land and play "I spy with my little eye" for the yellow tube of mascara.
That yellow tube is Maybelline Colossal mascara in waterproof formula.
Why is it in the snow you ask? Because I just

got back from snowboarding in what was the closest thing to a blizzard that northern Arizona has seen! On Saturday morning I put on my 'snowboarding' makeup and thought that now is a good time to test a waterproof mascara because I'm going to need one for the Ironman in Kona this June.
Wow am I ever impressed. It goes on smooth, dries feathery not clumpy and looks natural. I rode for 6 hours in blizzard like conditions, cried once, and was fairly sweaty. After all of that, at the end of the night when taking off my makeup this mascara looked fresh.
Now here is the challenge-after using my makeup remover, Maybelline Colossal in waterproof was still on. I washed my face using bar soap and a washcloth, and it's still on. In the morning, I use the cotton pad and remover again-still on. When I got home after a very stressful drive through the blizzard home I washed my face again-and Maybelline Colossal in waterproof was still on! I used the Beauty Fixation eye makeup remover swab to rub each lash and guess what? Maybelline Colossal in waterproof was still on as I went to bed.
It's been four days and when I awoke in the morning-remnants of Maybelline Colossal in waterproof is still on my lashes.
So, does it work? Yes. Maybe a bit too good! Am I wearing this to the Ironman in Kona-you betcha!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!