See the creams readers say do squat for crow's feet, forehead wrinkles, and other skin concerns |
This is a skin care products article Your beauty sleep should be just that -- a time for your skin to rejuvenate and take refuge from harsh UV rays and environmental toxins. And your night cream should help support that beauty rest, adding nutrients and antioxidants that can even help reverse skin damage that's been done. But if all your go-to night cream is doing is leaving you with greasy skin, clogged pores, and itchy red bumps, it's not worth your money. Check out this list to make sure you know which products to skip. | average reader rating: 6.8* |
"This product seems so perfect but when I apply it, it makes my skin greasy and it stays greasy until I wash my face the next morning." | average reader rating: 6.8 |
"I got contact dermatitis (yes, huge red bumpy rashes) all over my neck and face." |
"This did nothing for me. I saw no difference at all. It was a total waste of time and money." |
There I am in my pink dress chit chatting with the beautiful and powerful women of the first ever, inaugural Spray Tan Camp.
You know, when I see their smiling faces-I know why they smile! This is a group of women taking destiny by the hand and leading her to their businesses! These ladies are not letting
circumstances and the economy stop them from
The time together was so good! I sent this group the notes from my talk "How to Get a Blogger to Blog You" and I'm happy to send them to you too! Simple send me an email-and I'll send you one back with it attached.
Special thanks to celebrity and international master spray tanner Kelly Richardson of Be Bronze for providing an environment to grow in!
Now, see my sparkly purple and plump lips in the top photo? It's because I am wearing my " Be Lip Savvy" anti-aging plumping lip gloss in the photo! It has this beautiful, fun and funky case and a twist up base that fills the brush for application. Be Lip Savvy lip gloss was created by Deidra Whatley of Louisiana-a singer and lover of lip gloss. There are 22 shades, and each one contains active ingredients: Lipochroman-6, Hilurlip, maxi-lip and 'filling spheres hyaluronic, for quick wrinkle smoothing!
Ok-no need to take my word for it, click on over to and find your perfect shade!
There are several more posts coming this week that have the products I have recently tested photographed at the Marriott in Tempe known as The Buttes. If you haven't been there-go! Or at least go and sleuth out the 'secret hot tub'.
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!