Photographers usually capture the rings together on your hands...for you and your groom, use a sea salt or sugar scrub on your hands...all the way up to your elbowsand over the shoulders if you have a sleeveless dress.
No scrub in the your house? Make some!
Sugar scrub: 1 cup brown sugar, 1 squeeze of fresh lemon, glycerin water if you have it, or olive oil if you don't.
Mix it til it's a loosely formed paste, now just glop it in your hands, on your arms, over your feet and scrub!!!!
The same recipe applies for using salt...though you need sea salt, not Morton's iodized table salt.
When you are done, rinse with cool water, and apply a thick creme.
Now, preferably this is done before you can put some socks over your hands ( cotton gloves if you have them, but who does?) and feet.
Where ever you used the sure and use some cleaner afterwards...the surface will be very slippery.
Enjoy the tip and I'll see you this weekend in Laughlin NV!
Viva Laughlin!
To reach me directly, visit
to buy some botanical oil sea salt scrub, visit
of call 480-283-5811