New Year's resolutions are being made, lined up, ready to check off as they are accomplished and perhaps the paper that they are written on wadded up and tossed into the trash.
I can help you with the beauty part of it. The is year the beauty buzz for 2008 is a focus on health from the inside out.
Have you heard the saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? That applies to your skin and your beauty routine.
Your body is almost all water, so drink more of it and I don't mean the flavored kind. I mean pure spring water. Wash your face gently and remove all cosmetics before going to bed so your skin can rest and repair itself.
Choose botanical products as often as you can. If you don't have an Arbonne wholesale card, Sprouts or Trader Joes in your area, then use the internet to get the botanical products and even Walmart carries a line called Noahs Naturals that are botanical and cover the body from head to toe.
We know the body repairs itself overnight, so get more rest. Good, peaceful sleep that is not chemically induced. Try lavender lotions, linen mists and soothing white noise machines to help you train your body to turn itself into repair and relax mode.
Stress is here to stay and we all have it in toxic proportions. The addage practice random acts of kindness is true. There is a chemical reaction in your body that mimics the cancer healing drugs when you show kindness ,give hugs, smile and express laughter. So to bust some stress of your life, please consider what you are allowing into your eye and ear gates. Some of the sounds and images we are bombarded with through television and radio, plus the internet are highly toxic and damaging us in a slow steady assault.
Turn the television, the tivo, the dvd, the internet off and go outside for a few moments. Sunshine provides vitamin D absorption, if it's snowy, just catch a few flakes on your tongue before going inside again, if it's raining, monster stomp three puddles before returning to the computer. Nature was created for us, let's enjoy it!
Some families are more hurtful and could do more harm than good to be around, but I know you've got great friends that may be willing to go for a walk, take the dogs to the park, go bowling, hit the batting cages or just have a cup of coffee with. The human is a pack animal and thrives when surrounded with loving people.
If it's you and the dog, or the cat, the pot bellied pig or canary: pets are so therapeutic! Lavish the petting, ear scratching, belly rubs and attention on them. This benefits you more than it benefits them.
So the New Year New You 2008 isn't really about the newest cosmetic, color trend, advances in skin technology or spa treatments.
It's about you. Taking the best care of yourself and the body that you are in. Be kind to yourself and others. Daily, thank the Lord who knew you in your mother's womb before you were ever born.
Funny, I could have wrote this article in one sentence: More water.More rest. Less cosmetics. Less stress. More exercise. More reading. Less television. More family time less pub time. Pet your pet.
Happy New Year, 2008 is going to be amazing.
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