Monday, May 4, 2015

#MayBreakthrough webstream and a free ticket giveaway

Holla Gorgeous!
Me, myself and I: otherwise known as the Makeup University team will be teaching a makeup lesson at the May Breakthrough women's glaminar conference on May 16th in Hollywood California.

So excited!

Now, you know I loves me a free giveaway and to sweeten the deal and spice up the day-(seeing how it is #MayTheFourthBeWithYou the Intergalactic celebration of Star Wars day!!!)

I am giving away a pair of tickets to the event! One lucky lady and a friend may attend the event courtesy of Makeup University. The winner of the ticket and her plus one will also receive a wee gratis goody bag courtesy of Makeup University.

Webstream details are coming soon!

Like on Facebook here:

In the meantime here is a video update:

So enter to win here!

Comment or tweet what you want to breakthrough into or from in May! Good luck!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!