I know, I'm a makeup artist. But, here's the point. What's better: the uber chic salon where a haircut is $300 and an appointment is a year away? Or, the little town with a small salon who does it for $30?
Talent happens in all sorts of places. Is bigger better?
Where does price come in? Experience always dictates more money, but is a small town stylist who is good and charging less doing any less of an art or a service?
See, I hated my last hair appointment. And before that I was going to the uber salon and that appointment and ton of money resulted in less than stunning results.
It makes me wonder if the stylist is even listening to what I am saying!
So, I took on a story idea that is being published in three parts, in three different magazines and it's all about the "hair salon" experience and finding a good stylist.
Eegads, the only challenge is I'm the guinnea pig who is going to get my hair done and will have to live with the results. Good or Bad.
So part one starts tomorrow and hair version one commences. I'm concerned because I had a very vivid dream of my hair appointment...see in the dream I was at lunch with my friends and I can see their horrifed faces but can't see my hair. I can hear my self say " experience the art exhibition that is my hair and get over it."
Does that bode well?
Either way, for the sake of a paid story and my long graying roots ( because I think so much, that's why they are grey) I go to the new styilist in the small town.
wish me luck.
p.s. when I wore my hair black in a Betty Page do, it was so simple and easy. Sometimes I went to the salon for the color, sometimes I got some from a vendor at a show or from the production I was working on and while on the road, sometimes I got a box of stuff from the dollar store. Ah, that was then.
Now I have a multi colored weave and cut that requires alot of maintenance.
Ah, the Betty days!
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!
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