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The hair saga continues: to bring you up to speed, the Tempe Marketplace Arizona Hair co had cut my hair on a coupon walk in deal this past Saturday.
It was about an hour til close and a stylist named Sherina Smith took me as the walk in client.
I'm going in for a basic all over trim to keep the fuzzies off my ends while I grow my hair out again.
Sherina Smith was washing my hair and we were talking about color. I said that I had planned to color my hair at home using a box of L'Oreal Feria Deep Brown later that evening when I got home.
She counseled me that waiting three days between the wash and the color would be a better idea. So I did.
That brings us to Wednesday night and I color my hair, wash it and let it air dry.
Now, my first clue of foul play and crooked cuts should have been glaring at me when on Sunday morning and I was getting ready for church I noticed that my bangs were seriously crooked and choppy.
No worries, I have a pair of shears and I fixed them myself. Ah, this should have been the clue!
Thursday morning when I washed my hair again and began to blow it out, then straight iron it, I noticed that my hair was seriously crooked across the back. In fact, it's so crooked and such a bad cut that it resembles the late 1980's angluar cut that the American Idol country crooner Kelli Pickler was wearing earlier this year.
Not a pretty sight if yhou have seen it and if you haven't, well, consider yourself lucky.
Needless to say, I talked to Anna at the Tempe Marketplace Arizona Hair Co salon, she answers the phone and says that someone will get back to me.
No one does. So, I call back and I'm told that a manager will get back to me. No one does. Anna finally calls back to say that Star, the manager will call me back.
No one does.
So before I launch an all out media blitz about the Tempe Marketplace Arizona Hair Co and the stylist named Sherina Smith who gave me a crooked hair cut I decided to give them a second chance to make good on my bad cut.
Today, Friday, I called again. Anna answered again and said that someone would call me back. Nice.
I asked about the return and exchange policy since it is NOT PRINTED ON THE RECEIPT OR ON THE WEBSITE.
I've been told that the return/exchange policy is printed on a 4x6 card next to the register when you check in or out.
There are no refunds, all sales final, only exchange or recut in 7 days. Now I know. I think this would be a good thing to print on the website or on the receipt. Though, that is my opinion.
Okay, here's what is going to happen, the Tempe Marketplace Arizona Hair co, manager Star, is going to recut my hair on Sunday morning. I'll have more to report then.
What I can tell you right now, is that the Arizona stores of Arizona Hair co are all owned by the same owners and they prefer to not tell people when asked, who they are or how they can be reached.
So I firmly retract, and apologize for my endorsement of this establishment the Tempe Marketplace Arizona Hair Co and the stylist Sherina Smith.
I just know that somewhere in the state of Arizona there has got to be talented and qualified hair stylists. I haven't found one yet...but with the growth of more hair, I just may.
I'll post about the manager Star and her cutting of my hair on Sunday.
Til then, enjoy the shopping and planning for a very, very, Merry Christmas!
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