Out with the old and in with the new! See which beauty products should get the heave-ho right now
The first month of the year is about a fresh start: new resolutions, a new look, and a new attitude. There's no reason this mentality shouldn't also apply to your makeup bag. If you're still hoarding gunky mascaras and leaking foundations, it's definitely time to overhaul your beauty products and make room for better things to come. From the unhygienic to the uncool, read on to see what you should toss before spring arrives.
TEEN WEEK: Keeping Calm in a Crazy World!
Hello Gorgeous! Welcome to a second day of TEEN WEEK here on Makeup University. Today I want to share with you the importance of 'discipline and training'-and you can apply this to every area of your life whether it's school, family relationships and friends, work or health and nutrition.
First-I encourage you to practice self discipline as a way of cementing self control in your personality. Why? Because in any given situation if you have trained yourself in self control you will make better choices.
A great way to learn discipline and self control is the fun and excitement of training in a simple sport like running-or walking. Which ever suits you best. Today I share with you some simple running information from Gloria Sofar. Enjoy and apply it Purty Gurl! Below I also have an encouraging song for you.
Have you ever considered starting a running program, training for a 5 or 10k, or why not a half or a full marathon?
Before you answer, consider this -
only about 1% of the U.S. population has run a marathon. Why not be part of
that elite group?

Gloria Safar, a personal trainer, coach and avid
runner, caught the running bug several years ago, particularly in the field of
marathon running. But in looking to
recruit just about everyone she meets, she couldn’t find a
simple guide that didn’t scare people
off with overly complicated training programs and lists of unnecessary
expensive gear.
According to Gloria, “I wrote this book to give women an
approachable and fun guide that would help them successfully complete from
their first 5k to improving their marathon's personal record. Along the way, my wish is that they discover
their inner strength, form new friendships and find an unexpected motivation
that makes them want to keep on running!”
A quick and insightful read, Running for Girls Like Us! is filled with straight forward
objectives, expert advice from recent research, and loads of motivational
"girls like us" success stories.
The book is further infused with Gloria’s enthusiasm and experience, and is
the perfect guide for the novice, the returning runner, and veteran runners
Running for Girls Like Us! by Gloria Safar is available on Amazon.com (in
paperback and kindle edition) b&n (also in paperback and e-book) and in
iBooks, and retails for $12.99 and 8.99.
For more information, you can check
out Gloria's web page: http://gloriasafar.wordpress.com/ or contact
Please LIKE Gloria Safar's Running For Girls Like Us Facebook page AND comment why you want to start running or improve your running! This contest is open to ages 13 and older with permission to enter. Open to all United States and international also! Special thanks to Ms. Safar for sponsoring an international giveaway!
Now ladies-let's rock out!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!